On the wintery morning of 22 Dec, 2019, filled with excitement , the Members got assembled at the Nagar Nigam Office, Udaipur, where a short ceremony was organized for them, headed by the Deputy Mayor, Mr. Paras Singhvi.

Then, the members got seated in 2 buses and departed for the next stop…

The Ghasiyaar Temple

The prayers were offered by the members to the Local deity of Mewar – Lord Shreenath.

The Temple Priest then Felicitated each member with an UPARNA, after which a group photoshoot was conducted.

The next stop was the RESORT

The troop arrived at the resort at 10:30 am and was greeted by a band of musicians who played the Signature Welcome Song – Padhaaro Mahare Desh.

A refreshment drink was offered to the members, and they were directed to get cozy in the resort and take a seat.

The Breakfast was then served and the members devoured it.

Post Breakfast, the members got seated in the backyard and the band of musicians filled the atmosphere with the notes of old songs and bhajans.

This musical concert continued until Lunch time and Sizzling Indian Food was served for the Lunch.

Post Lunch, the Housie session was conducted by a group of members of SCCCT which lasted for 1 hour.

Then, Antakshri Session was organised by the Band of Musicians and the members got seated around the Pool and the evening got transformed into a Live Musical cum Dance Party where the members danced on the beats of the instruments while the others sang.

The Final event was a Damshraz where the team members enacted the names of songs, movies……

At 6pm, Snacks and coffee was served after which a Group Photo was clicked and the members departed for their homes in the Bus.

The memories of a Beautiful day got engraved in the hearts and souls of these Young at heart senior Citizens……


  1. Wow, I am very happy to know and also seen by the pics, that really, Anurag sir, you are doing a very great and fantastic job. I want to just meet you.

    Anita Dikshit Sharma

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